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La Commissione Viaggi della Scuola Paritaria S. Freud ha scelto anche per l'anno scolastico 2018-2019, come meta del Viaggio Studi – Stage Linguistico Fort Lauderdale, rinomata città affacciata sull'Oceano Atlantico e situata a 40 Km da Miami (Florida, USA).

Dopo l'esperienza fantastica dell'anno precedente nella stessa destinazione, la Commissione Viaggi ha optato per riproporre la medesima località, sia per rivivere quanto già sperimentato con successo l'anno precedente, sia perchè dall'anno scorso la nostra Scuola Freud  ha siglato un importante accordo di convenzione con la TLA, The Language Academy, prestigiosa scuola americana per stranieri. che ha permesso di organizzare l'esperienza senza agenzie intermediarie.


Lo stage linguistico si svolgerà dal 1 maggio al 15 maggio 2019. Partecipanti gli studenti degli Indirizzi Tecnico Tecnologico Informatica, Liceo Scienze Umane opzione Economico Sociale e Tecnico Economico Turismo.

La formula prevista per il soggiorno è stata quella del pernottamento in selezionatissime host familes, 20 ore di lezioni intensive di lingua inglese presso la prestigiosa Scuola TLA, unitamente ad un fitto planning di escursioni

Gli accompagnatori del Viaggio sono:

Prof.ssa Luz Maria Barranco - Prof.ssa Elena Oldani - Prof.ssa Roberta Santoro - Prof. Davide Summo - Dott. Daniele Nappo, Rappresentante Legale d'Istituto - Dott.ssa Laura Meazza, Direzione Didattica.


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VIAGGI, TESTIMONIANZE - EMOZIONI - Scuola Paritaria Milano (


Di seguito il Diario di bordo redatto dai nostri studenti


Diario di bordo  – 1 MAGGIO 2019

Yesterday we met up at Malpensa airport at 6:00 a.m, then we left our families and we started this adventure. We checked-in and passed all the controls. Finally we got aboard the plane around 9:00 a.m. After 10 hours we landed in Miami. We were tired and a bit jet-lagged but we were chuffed and thrilled. As we went out of the airport to catch the coach to meet our host-families, we found out that the weather was pretty humid and hot. Once we arrived at TLA school, our families took us home.

Giulia Pelletti and Gaia Rossi, 3 A Turismo


Diario di bordo  – 2 MAGGIO 2019

Today we spent our first day in Fort Lauderdale. We got up at 7:00 a.m and we had breakfast. We were given a ride to school by our host-mum because we still didn’t know how to more around the city.
Unfortunately, by the time we got to school, it had started raining and it went on and off for nearly all day. Then we were divided into groups and we did a test for the teacher to asses our knowledge of English. After that at about 11:30 a.m. We went for a walk around the school to get to know the place. At midday we stopped to eat and all of a sudden it started pouring again. That’s why we stayed in the canteen a bit longer.
Before going home, we went to the pharmacy store and at 4:00 p.m. We were set free to go back home.

When Gaia and I arrived home, our host-mum, Claudia, took us to have a look at the Ultra Beauty and another supermarket. Then she cooked us pasta (she’s a really good cook! We both were quite impressed!) We also had a very pleasant chat with her.

She’s a lovely woman: sweet, kind, funny and very wel coming. She’s got three lovely cats: Bounty, Precious and Pumpkin. We went to bed at 10:30 because we were knackered.

Giulia Pelletti and Gaia Rossi, 3 A Turismo


Diario di bordo  – 3 MAGGIO 2019

Today we got up early and we had our breakfast.
After that we went in front of the school they spit us in different groups.
At 9:15 started the first lesson, mine was really interesting because we talk about our life. At 11:15 we had a break of 15 minutes, then we started the second lesson. We finished the lessons at 12:45 and we had lunch. 

Later we went to the market because some people has to buy something to drink or to eat and take a sim for internet. When we all finished we got to the beach with 45 minutes of walk.  In the same moment we got here we all ran into the ocean.
When we were getting home it started raining so we finished the day very wet. At the end we got all at home and after having the dinner we went to bed early because next we'll go to the NASA space centre.

Lara Rakic e Gabriele Colombo, 3 A Informatico


Diario di bordo - 4 MAGGIO 2019

We woke up early at 6 to go to NASA, the Space Kennedy Center, by bus. We were really tired but also excited. 
The journey was about 4 hours long and we only got a break in the middle of that, my back was destroyed. 
When we got there, we took a lot of pictures in the sun for our parents to see while we were waiting to get the tickets. 
After that, we went into the park and started our NASA tour.
We took a bus that had a small television showing a presentation of the place, it was very interesting. We saw the VAB, that's the place where Nasa assemble its rockets and it's very huge. We also saw the two launch platforms, the 39A and 39B, from which most of the rockets are sent into space.
After that, we saw a reconstruction of a rocket launch with all the different phases and that was amazing. We really got goose bumps when the video showed the moment of the launch: the buttons in the control room were turned on and the windows were trembling. We felt as if we had really been there at that right moment. 
Before getting back on the Nasa bus, we got some free time to have lunch and buy some souvenirs.
Finally, we had an hour of free time to see other attractions, two friends of mine and I went to the 3D cinema and it was amazing. 
At 16:20 we took the bus again and we returned home.
The day was very long, but also very interesting because I learned a lot of new things about NASA and rockets. It was a wonderful experience which I'll never forget.

Tommaso Alghisi e Giovanni Cicogna, 2 A LES


Diario di bordo - 5 MAGGIO 2019

This morning we got up at 8.15, then we took Uber and we went to the beach. Then we had fun with our friends, we played football on the beach and we swam. At midday we could see a fantastic airshow made by Blue Angels. It was pretty amazing! After that, we had lunch. We had some pizza or hamburger or stuff like that and then we went back to the beach. We spent other 2 or 3 hours there, then we came back home by Uber or by bus and we had dinner with our host family.

Silvio Cavallo e Giorgio Papini, 1 A Informatica


Diario di bordo - 6 MAGGIO 2019

Today we got up at 7:30, we had a really good breakfast with toast and bacon.

Then we arrived at school by bus at 8:45. From 9 to 13 we had lesson at school.

After that, we ate together: we had chicken with smashed potatoes and vegetables. It was very tasty!
Unfortunately, the weather was not so good and we spent the afternoon at a mall that is called “Galleria”.
It was fun, and we really enjoyed that.

David Stanek e Stefano Colasuonno, 3 A turismo


Diario di bordo - 7 MAGGIO 2019

Today we arrived at school at 8:50 and like the other days at 8: 55/9 we went to the classrooms to do our lesson all day our talks about the finance their vocabulary and his organisation, at 11:15 we had our break until 11:30 and we had the afternoon lesson, at 12:45 we left school and went to eat in a nearby canteen, at 13:55 we headed back to school because they were back and we left at 3.40 pm and left time for free until time of return at 7 pm. 

In general it can be said that today's school day was really very demanding as much attention was required. The afternoon lesson took place with an interactive dialogue that described the characteristics of the financial products associated with the world of work. In practice we talked about the meaning of the term "finance" and its synonyms.  Our teacher was really good because she involved all the students and everyone showed their enthusiasm.

Gianluca Bozzini, 3 A Informatica


We started the day waking up around 6 o' clock and after getting ready we went to school where we did 4 hours of lessons in english divided by a 15 minute break. 
After the lessons we went immediately to the canteen to have lunch with pasta and meatballs. 
After lunch we went back to school to finish the lesson day .
At school during the lesson we talked specifically about the city of New York

This city is really very developed from the point of view of the financial economy. Within the city there are numerous and important universities where economics and marketing are studied. We have studied the issues of the economy which is often described in important films. The afternoon hours passed quickly because all the students actively participated in the lesson. At the end of the lesson our Italian teachers were waiting for us with a delicious lemon cake and they left us free time and finally over time we went to Starbucks to relax and then we made a walk around the city until 6 pm.

Mirko Adiletta, 4 B Informatica


Today we woke up at 8 and had breakfast with milk and toast.

At 8:27 we got on the bus that takes us to school every morning.
At 9:15 we started lessons, today the topics were social networks and jobs for kids in the summer.
At 12:45 am the lessons ended and we went to eat, we ate pasta with sauce and meatballs 
Today we must return ti school in tre afternoon, we returned in class at 2:00 for another 2 hours of lessons 
For the evening we returned home and ate with the host family.

Simone Collu, 3 B Informatica


Diario di Bordo, 8 Maggio 2019

Today, Wednesday, May 8th, it was really hard to wake up, because we are still not completely used to the jet lag.
We struggled to get up but we finally did, and we had breakfast together with Joanna, our host mom. We talked about what she would do at work and how our day would be. At breakfast, Lorenzo just drank orange juice, while Bryan had bread with butter.
Then, we got ready to go out and Joanna took us to school, since she works near the school.

As soon as we arrived, we gathered together with the other classmates in front of the school to be divided into classes based on the level of our entry test.
Before entering, we put on the identification tag, necessary to enter the school.
As soon as we entered the building, everyone went to their own classes. In the first hours they started to introduce the words related to jobs and at the end of the lesson we have played the hangman game by using the words we had learned the hour before.

After two hours, we had a 20-minute break where we could rest and get food from the vending machines.
After the break, we had lesson in two different ways: Lorenzo expanded his knowledge of jobs, while Bryan in his class started introducing several cities and what is interesting about them.
As soon as we finished the lessons, we went to the cafeteria to have lunch. We had to choose between two different drinks, Coca cola or Sprite, while to eat there was pasta and stew; for dessert, the choice was between fruit or biscuits.
The food from the canteen is not much loved by the students because it is very different from the Italian one, but in our opinion, except for pasta, the rest of the food is good.

After eating, Dr Nappo decided to let us free for the day so we could relax, given that the next day, Thursday, we would stay at school until 4 o'clock to have further classes. We, together with Diana, Beatrice, Edoardo and Vladimir took the opportunity to go shopping but as there aren't many shops on the coast, we opted for a nearby shopping center. Since we couldn't find anything we liked, we went to eat before taking the bus back. However, we had a problem as Bryan's bus was very late.

Fortunately, Joanna decided to pick him up at stop 10. We hurried home and together we ate meat and mashed potatoes while we were talking about how the day had been.
At the end of the day, we went to take a shower and everyone went to his room to rest. This was our Wednesday, May 8th, in sunny Fort Lauderdale.

Bryan Ferri e Lorenzo Tomasini, 1 B Informatica


Diario di Bordo, 9 Maggio 2019

This morning we woke up at a quarter past six and we started to get ready for the day. We got changed and then we had breakfast with a muffin of abnormal size and mixed fruit salad. Afterwards, we helped our host family to clean up and wash the dishes and at half past seven we were at the bus stop half-asleep. After waiting for the bus for a quarter of an hour, we started to be demoralized and decided to take our reliable ”friend”, Uber. As usual, at ten past eight, we were the only ones in front of our school. Before the beginning of the lessons, we talked and chatted with our friends and we also saw a squirrel running around us. Aurora and Michela saw two documentaries in class, one on Los Angeles and one about Amazon, both were very interesting but that lesson seemed endless because our teacher had kept the most interactive part for the following hours. Margherita instead described some jobs and found it particularly interesting because she learned a lot of new words. Finally, she played bingo, but lost. During the break, we talked to our friends about what we did in class. In the following hours, Michela and Aurora had a lot of fun because they learned new words, then played bingo and Aurora won a Sneaker bar, while Michela, unfortunately, didn't. Margherita learned new words. 
We went to the canteen for lunch and the food was quite good. We were so hungry! 

 listening to the teachers' recommendations, we returned to our classrooms. The afternoon lessons were interesting, but we were a little tired. As soon as we left school, we moved away from our friends to go home. Aurora was too tired and decided to stay at home to relax, but Michela and Margherita went out for a walk along the canal near our house. They enjoyed it so much because they took a lot of photos and relaxed lying on the beach accompanied by good music; they didn't have a bath because of the strong wind. 

 Once they came back home, they found Aurora lying on the bed and decided to discuss about how to write the diary entry. We got changed and then we went to dinner, we ate excellent grilled fish and potatoes and talked to our host family about what we had done during our day. Then we ate ice cream. As we were exhausted, we went back to our room and after a handful of buttered popcorn, a good movie and lots of laughter, we decided to go to sleep.

Aurora Fioribello, Michela Cogliati, Margherita Spampinato, 1 A LES


Diario di bordo, 11 Maggio 2019 

Today we got up early because we had to go to Miami.

We were all excited, and for many of us was the first time there.
First we went to see some wonderful graffiti at Wynwood , they were so colourful.

Then we went to burger king and we ate some hamburgers full of sauce at Little Havana, a nice place with Cuba 's influence.
Before going back to the bus we went to see some shops. Then we went to Miami beach and when we were there, I was really impressed how blue was the ocean and the feeling of the sand was literally like standing over a cloud.
We went to do a bath because it was a really hot day and then after taking some soda we started playing cards in the beach. 

 We found a shop where to buy cheap drinks because the bar in front of the beach did not accept people under 21 years old. 
After taking some photos we returned in the bus and we went to Hard Rock Cafe.
It was really exciting because we all felt the rock there was in this place. 
We ordered the food and we went to see some remembers of the most famous singers.

We saw the Michael Jackson's jacket, one dress of Madonna and some other things.
Hard rock food was really delicious.

Many students chose to eat burgers and fries while others chose chicken salad.

We also did shopping in the typical store and bought gifts for friends.
Then we had some free time and we decided to go to a pier over there.

We listened to music and we danced doing some funny things.

Then we went for a walk while there was some of us playing Pokémon go with Teacher Santoro 
When was like 10 o'clock we had to go to the bus for going back to our houses. 
We arrived and then we went to sleep bacause tomorrow we will go to do another interesting trip.

I can't wait to see what tomorrow's day will be like.

Lara Rakic, Gianluca Bozzini, Gabriele Colombo, Massimo Fugiglando (3A INFO), Vladimir Bedin (2C INFO), Melanie Pinto (2B TUR) e Matteo Mordocco (4A INFO)

Istituto Paritario S. Freud – Scuola Privata Milano – Scuola paritaria: Istituto Tecnico Informatico, Istituto Tecnico Turismo, Liceo delle Scienze Umane e Liceo Scientifico
Via Accademia, 26/29 Milano – Viale Fulvio Testi, 7 Milano – Tel. 02.29409829 Virtuale fax 02.73960148 –
Scuola Superiore Paritaria Milano - Scuola Privata Informatica Milano
Scuola Privata Turismo Milano - Liceo delle Scienze Umane indirizzo Economico Sociale Milano
Liceo Scientifico Milano
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Buongiorno,sono la mamma di uno studente attualmente a Miami con la scuola e vorrei ringraziare la docente accompagnatrice e la scuola tutta per la cura e l'impegno nel gestire il soggiorno-studio.Grazie e a presto,Cristina Scarpa Falciani

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